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There are currently 91 publications in this directory beginning with the letter W.
Williams, RM
Drugs, Genetics, and Behavior: A Frame of Reference. Yale Scientific, May 1967, pp 6-11. Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Use of thymectomized, irradiated rats to study immunogenicity of bovine gamma globulin. J Immunol. 102: 925-931, 1969. Williams, R.M. and Waksman, B.H.
Williams, RM
Thymus-derived cells in the early phase of delayed tuberculin reactions. J Immunol. 103: 1435-1437, 1969. Williams, R.M. and Waksman, B.H.
Williams, RM
Antibodies to acetylcholinesterase. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 6: 1175-1180, 1969. Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Histocompatibility antigens as markers for investigating population dynamics of lymphoid cells. Lab. Invest. 22: 260-265, 1970. Malakian, A., Williams, R.M. and Waksman, B.H.
Williams, RM
Migration of thymic lymphocytes: Immunofluorescent and tritiated thymidine labeling studies. Adv. Exp. Biol. 12: 113-118, 1971. Chanana, A.D., Cronkite, E.P., Joel, D.D., Waksman, B.H. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Antigenic markers on cells leaving calf thymus by way of efferent lymph and venous blood. J Immunol. 106: 1143-1146, 1971. Williams, R.M., Chanana, A.D., Cronkite, E.P. and Waksman, B.H.
Williams, RM
Appendix and gamma-M antibody formation. III. Uptake and distribution of soluble or alum-precipitated bovine gamma-globulin injected into the rabbit appendix. Lab. Invest. 24: 31-37, 1971. Hanaoka, M., Williams, R.M. and Waksman, B.H.
Williams, RM
Genetic control of thymus-derived cell function. I. In vitro DNA synthetic response of normal mouse spleen cells stimulated by the mitogens concanavalin A and phytohemagglutinin. J. Exp. Med. 135: 1279-1292, 1972. Williams, R.M. and Benacerraf, B.
Williams, RM
Genetic control of thymus-derived cell function. II. Dynamics of concanavalin-A-stimulated DNA synthesis by BALB/c and C57BL/6 spleen cells. Transpl. Proc. 5: 183-187, 1973. Williams, R.M. and Benacerraf, B.
Williams, RM
DNA synthesis by cultured lymphocytes: A modified method for measuring 3H-thymidine incorporation. Cellular Immunol. 9: 435-444, 1973. Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Genetic control of thymus-derived cell function: III. DNA synthetic response of rat lymph node cells stimulated in culture with concanavalin A and phytohemagglutinin. J. Immunol. 111: 1571-1578, 1973. Williams, R.M., Moore, M.J. and Benacerraf, B.
Williams, RM
Genetic control of thymus-derived cell function: IV. Mitogen responsiveness and mixed lymphocyte reactivity of thymus cells and lymph node cells from Lewis and Brown Norway rats. J. Immunol. 111: 1579-1584, 1973. Williams, R.M., Moore, M.J. and Benacerraf, B.
Williams, RM
Linkage of susceptibility to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis to the major histocompatibility locus in the rat. J. Exp. Med. 138: 775-783, 1973. Williams, R.M. and Moore, M.J.
Williams, RM
Comparison of T Lymphocyte-dependent and B Lymphocyte-dependent mitogen-stimulated DNA synthesis in serum-free medium with spleen cells from animals chosen for broad variation in genetically determined differences in T Lymphocyte mitogen responsiveness. J. Immunol. 113: 1844-1849. Williams, R.M. and Benacerraf, B.
Williams, RM
Deoxyribonucleic acid synthetic response of mouse lymphoid cells in microculture with T-Lymphocyte-dependent mitogens. Lab. Invest. 32: 382-387, 1975. Williams, R.M. and Benacerraf, B.
Williams, RM
Genetic control of thymus-derived cell function. V. Mitogen-stimulated deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis by thymus, spleen, and lymph node cells from the Biozzi high and low antibody-producing lines of mice. Transplantation 19: 349-352, 1975. Williams, R.M. and Benacerraf, B.
Williams, RM
Specific and nonspecific antitumor immunity. I. Description of an in vitro assay based on inhibition of DNA synthesis in tumor cells. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 54: 697-708, 1975. Williams, R.M., Germain, R.N. and Benacerraf, B.
Williams, RM
Specific and nonspecific antitumor immunity. II. Macrophage-mediated nonspecific effector activity induced by BCG and similar agents. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 54: 709-720, 1975. Germain, R.N., Williams, R.M. and Benacerraf, B.
Williams, RM
H-2 linked genetic control of resistance to histocompatible tumors. Cancer Res. 35: 1586-1590, 1975. Williams, R.M., Dorf, M.E. and Benacerraf, B.
Williams, RM
Specific and nonspecific antitumor immunity. III. Specific T Lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis of P815 mastocytoma and SL2 lymphoma by draining lymph node cells from syngeneic tumor-bearing DBA/2J mice. Amer. J. Pathol. 85: 661-673, 1976. Germain, R.N., Williams, R.M. and Benacerraf, B.
Williams, RM
Experimental models with possible implications for the role of HLA in malignancy. Prog. in Clin. and Biol. Res. 16: 21-28, 1977. Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Passive enhancement of rat renal allografts by antibodies to non-SD (Ag-B) locus analogous to Ia and demonstration of linkage to the MHC. Transpl. Proc. 9: 957-960, 1977. Catto, G.R.D., Carpenter, C.M., Strom, T.B. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Genetic recombination between serologically defined antigens and mixed lymphocyte reactivity in the rat major histocompatibility complex. Transpl. Proc. 9: 563-565, 1977. Williams, R.M. and Moore, M.J.
Williams, RM
Hybrid effect in natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity to SV40 transformed fibroblasts by rat spleen cells. Transplantation 23: 283-286, 1977. Williams, R.M., Leifer, J. and Moore, M.J.
Williams, RM
Laboratory methods in transplantation immunity. Progress in Clinical Pathology 7: 239-265, 1977. Cannady, W.G., DeWolf, W.C., Williams, R.M. and Yunis, E.J.
Williams, RM
Genetic influence of the streptozotocin insulitis and hyperglycemia. Diabetes 26: 916-920, 1977. Rossini, A.A., Appel, M.C., Williams, R.M. and Like, A.A.
Williams, RM
Genetics of human immunity and its relation to disease in Infection, Immunity, and Genetics, H. Friedman, T.J. Linna, and J.E. Prior, eds., Univ. Park Press, Baltimore, pp. 121-139, 1978. Williams, R.M. and Yunis, E.J.
Williams, RM
Streptozotocin-induced pancreatic insulitis in mice: morphologic and physiologic studies. Lab. Invest. 38: 470-486, 1978. Like, A.A., Appel, M.C., Williams, R.M. and Rossini, A.A.
Williams, RM
Hypothesis: Altered idiotype induces immune suppression. Cellular Immunology 39: 1-4, 1978. Singer, D.E. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Viral studies in streptozotocin-induced pancreatic insulitis. Diabetologica 15: 327-336, 1978. Appel, M.C., Rossini, A.A., Williams, R.M. and Like, A.A.
Williams, RM
Rapid murine mixed lymphocyte cultures assessed by emergence of T-cell insulin receptors. Immunogenetics 7: 51-56, 1978. Strom, T.B., Helderman, J.H. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Sex differences in the multiple-dose streptozotocin model of diabetes. Endocrinology 103: 1518-1520, 1978. Rossini, A.A., Williams, R.M., Appel, M.C. and Like, A.A.
Williams, RM
Complete protection from low-dose streptozotocin-induced diabetes in mice. Nature 276: 182-184, 1978. Rossini, A.A., Williams, R.M., Appel, M.C. and Like, A.A.
Williams, RM
Increased frequency of HLA-DRw4 in chronic active hepatitis. Vox Sang. 25: 366-369, 1978. Williams, R.M., Martin, S., Falchuk, K.R., Trey, C., Dubey, D.P., Cannady, W.G., Fitzpatrick, D., Noreen, H., Dupont, B. and Yunis, E.J.
Williams, RM
HIa-like antigens in human autoimmune diseases: HLA and DRw antigens in chronic active hepatitis and diabetes mellitus. In Immune Mechanisms and Disease, D.B. Amos, R.S. Steward and B.W. Janicki, eds., Academic Press, New York, pp. 163-177, 1979. Williams, R.M., Martin, S., Barbosa, J., Falchuk, K., Trey, C., Dubey, D.P., Cannady, W.G., Fitzpatrick, Noreen, H., Dupont, B. and Yunis, E.J.
Williams, RM
Perspectives on Support for the Physician-scientist. Transactions of the Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America Vol 63, 148-151, 1979. Williams, R. Michael
Williams, RM
HLA and DRw antigens in adult patients with chronic active hepatitis. In Immune Reactions in Liver Disease. W.F. Eddleston, J.C.P. Weber and Roger Williams, eds., Pitman Publishing Co., Ltd., pp. 110-112, 1979. Yunis, E.J., Martin, S., Williams, R.M., Falchuk, K.R., Trey, C., Dubey, D.P., Cannady, W.G., Fitzpatrick, D. and Noreen, H.
Williams, RM
Influence of genetic factors on natural resistance of mice. J. Inf. Dis. 139: 396-400, 1979. Pennington, J.E. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Circadian bioperiodicity of natural killer cell activity in human blood (individually assessed). Chronobiologia 6: 172, 1979. Williams, R.M., Kraus, L.J., Inbar, M., Dubey, D.P., Yunis, E.F. and Halberg, F.
Williams, RM
Spontaneous Diabetes Mellitus: Reversal and prevention in the BB/W rat with antiserum to rat lymphocytes. Science 206: 1421-1423, 1979. Like, A.A., Rossini, A.A., Guberski, D.L., Appel, M.C. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Studies on IR-EAE. Transplantation Proc. 1598-1599, 1979. Singer, D.E., Moore, M.J. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Spontaneous diabetes in the gnotobiotic BB/W rat. Diabetes 28: 1031-1032, 1979. Rossini, A.A., Williams, R.M., Mordes, J.P., Appel, M.C. and Like, A.A.
Williams, RM
Aging, immunogenetics, and cellular immunity. Adv Pathobiol. 1980; 7: 169-86. Williams, R.M., Kraus, L.J., Hallgen, H.M. and Yunis, E.J.
Williams, RM
Animal models of Type I diabetes. In Immunology of Diabetes, W.J. Irvine ed., Teviot Scientific Publications, pp. 275-290, 1980. Rossini, A.A., Williams, R.M., Appel, M.C. and Like, A.A.
Williams, RM
Perspectives on immune control and autoimmunity. In Readings in Oncology, S.B. Day ed. IFBDDH/Lifschultz and Polland, New York, pp. 17-22, 1980. Singer, D.E. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Linkage of severity of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis to the rat major histocompatibility locus. J. Immunol. 124: 1815-1820, 1980. Moore, M.J., Singer, D.E. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
F1 hybrid resistance to BN rat myelogenous leukemia parallels resistance to transplantation of normal BN bone marrow. Leukemia Research 4: 261-264, 1980. Williams, R.M., Singer, D.E., Rodday, P. and Bennett, M.
Williams, RM
Resistance to BN Myelogenous Leukemia in rat radiation chimeras. Leukemia Research 4: 337-342, 1980. Singer, D.E., Haynor, D.R. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Analysis of the genetic control of natural killer cell activity may require studies of genetics with segregating alleles among littermates. In Genetic Control of Natural Resistance to Infection and Malignancy, E. Skamene, ed., Academic Press, New York, pp. 477-483, 1980. Williams, R.M., and Melvold, R.W.
Williams, RM
Preliminary analysis of hybrid resistance to histocompatible P815 utilizing bone marrow and thymus epithelium radiation chimeras. In Genetic Control of Natural Resistance to Infection and Malignancy, E. Skamene, ed., Academic Press, New York, pp. 477-483, 1980. Williams, R.M., Eig, B.M. and Singer, D.E.
Williams, RM
Genetics of survival in mice: Localization of dominant effects to subregions of the major histocompatibility complex. In Immunological Aspects of Aging, D. Segre and L. Smith eds., Marcel Dekker, Inc., pp. 247-253, 1981. Williams, R.M., Kraus, L.J., Lavin, P.T., Steele, L.L. and Yunis, E.J.
Williams, RM
EAE in rat bone marrow chimeras: Analysis of the cellular mechanism of BN resistance. J. Immunol. 126: 1553-1557, 1981. Singer, D.E., Moore, M.J. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Homozygosity at the major histocompatibility complex is required for optimal immunogenicity of bone marrow cell allografts in irradiated rats. Tissue Antigens 17:486-492, 1981. Rodday, P., Bennett, M. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Evidence for involvement of the H-2Kb gene in hybrid resistance to P815-X2. Immunogenetics 13: 351-353, 1981. Williams, R.M., Kwak, L.W. and Melvold, R.W.
Williams, RM
Genetic studies in experimental tumor resistance. In Fundamental Mechanisms in Human Cancer Immunology, J.P. Saunders et al., eds., Elsevier North Holland, New York, pp. 283-291, 1981. Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Spontaneous autoimmune diabetes mellitus in the BB rat. Diabetes 31 (suppl. 1): 7-13, 1982. Like A.A., Butler, L., Williams, R.M., Appel, M.C., Weringer, E.J. and Rossini, A.A.
Williams, RM
Immunogenetics of rat bone marrow transplantation. Survey of Immunologic Research, 1982. Rodday, P., Bennett, M. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Histiocytic sarcoma of the scrotum in a rat. Lab. Animal Sci. 32: 74-77, 1982. Port, C.D., VanPelt, L.F. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Neonatal thymectomy prevents spontaneous diabetes mellitus in the BB/W rat. Science 216: 644-646, 1982. Like, A.A., Kislauskis, E., Williams, R.M. and Rossini, A.A.
Williams, RM
Differences in susceptibility to experimental autoimmune uveitis among rats of various strains. Immunopathology of the Eye, 1982. Gery, I., Shichi, H., El-Saied, M., Mochizuki, M., Robinson, W.G., Jr., Nussenblatt, R.B. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
H-2 linked resistance to Mastocytoma in male mice: Immune response to a histocompatibility antigen on the X chromosome. Science 220: 727-728, 1983. Kwak, L.W., Kucuk, O., Melvold, R.W. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Passive transfer of diabetes in the BB/W rat. Science 220: 727-728, 1983. Koevary, S., Rossini, A., Stoller, W., Chick, W. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Acute hemorrhagic uropathy as a complication of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 107: 600-602, 1983. Lifson, J.D., Oyasu, R., Dreyer, N. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Failure to transfer insulitis to athymic recipients using BB/W rat lymphoid tissue transplants. Metabolism 32 (No. 7, suppl. 1): 80-82, 1983. Rossini, A.A., Mordes, J.P., Williams, R.M., Pelletier, A.M. and Like A.A.
Williams, RM
H-2 gene control of resistance to P815-X2 mastocytoma. Cancer Research 43: 5754-5757, 1983. Kwak, L.W., Kucuk, O., Melvold, R.W. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Life Change Stress, Psychiatric Symptoms, and Natural Killer Cell Activity. Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 46, No. 5: 441-453, 1984. Locke, Steven E., Kraus, Linda, Leserman, Jane, Hurst, Michael, Heisel, Stephen, Williams, R. Michael
Williams, RM
HLA antigens in Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Neurology 34: 240-242, 1984. Kaslow, R.A., Sullivan-Bolyai, J.Z., Hafkin, B., Schonberger, L.B., Kraus, L., Moore, M.J., Yunis, E.J. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Two genes required for diabetes in BB rats-Evidence from cyclical intercrosses and backcrosses, J.Exp. Med. 159:1629-1636, 1984. Jackson, R.A., Buse, J.B., Rifai, R., Pelletier, D., Milford, E.L., Carpenter, C.B., Eisenbarth, G.S. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Immune response to the H-X antigen on P815-X2. Recombinant inbred strain analysis and lack of effect of castration, Immunogenetics, 20:481-147, 1985. Kwak, L.W., Melvold, R.M. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
111 Indium-labeled lymphocytes do not image or label the pancreas of the BB/W rat. Diabetologia, 28: 143-147, 1985. Gallina, D.L., Pelletier, D., Doherty, P., Koevary, S.B., Williams, R.M., Like, A.A., Chick, W.L. and Rossini, A.A.
Williams, RM
Passive transfer of diabetes from BB/W to Wistar-Furth rats. J. Clin. Invest., 75: 1904-1907, 1985. Koevary, S.B., Williams, D.E., Williams, R.M. and Chick, W.L.
Williams, RM
Genetics and Immunology of the P815-X2 model. In Immunity to Cancer, Academic Press pp 363-367, 1985. Williams, R.M. and Kwak, L.W.
Williams, RM
Natural killer activity and MMPI scores of a cohort of college students. Am. J. Psychiatry, 143: 11, 1986.Heisel, J.S., Locke, S.E., Kraus, L.J. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
T-cell mitogenesis and natural killer cell activity in colonic tumor-bearing and nontumor-bearing rats fed diets high in lipid with and without cholesterol. Nutr. Cancer, 9: 159-170, 1987. Kraus, L.J., Williams, R.M., Murphy, K. and Broitman, S.A.
Williams, RM
Motivational Syndromes Associated with Natural Killer Cell Activity. J. Behavior Med., 13:53-73, 1990. John B. Jemmott III, Caroline Hellman, David C. McClelland, Steven E. Locke, Linda Kraus, R.M. Williams, and C. Robert Valeri
Williams, RM
Overview of whole body hyperthermia experience at American International Hospital. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 267: 203-208, 1990. Sanchez, R., Levin, R.D., Kim, Y.D., Mellijor, A., Doyle, M.A., Simonich, W. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Cancer and the Chiropractor. The American Chiropractor, 12:6-8, 1990. Williams, R.M. and Rosenberg, J.E.
Williams, RM
Genetics of survival in mice: subregions of the major histocompatibility complex. Genetics, 125:167-174, 1990. Gelman, R., Watson, A., Yunis, E., and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Whole Body Hyperthermia Experience in Breast Cancer at American International Hospital. Consensus on Hyperthermia for the 1990’s Ed. Bicher, H.I. et al. Plenum Press, NY. 387-391, 1990. Levin, Robert D., Sanchez, Ranulfo, Kim, Young Doo, Mellijor, Alfonso, Doyle, Mary Ann, Simonich, William, Williams, R. Michael
Williams, RM
Phase I Clinical Trial with Floxuridine and High-Dose Continuous Infusion of Leucovorin Calcium. J. Clin. Oncology. 9:94-99, 1991. Robert D. Levin, J.H. Gordon, W. Simonich, A. Mellijor, R. Sanchez, and R.M. Williams.
Williams, RM
Radiation-induced augmentation of host resistance to histocompatible tumor in mice. Detection of a graft antitumor effect of syngeneic bone marrow transplantation. Transplantation 51:1244-1248, 1991. Kwak, L.W., Grand, L.C., and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Inhibition of NK Cell-Medicated Cytotoxicity by Oxysterols. Cellular Immunology 139:541-549, 1992. Kucuk, Omer, Stoner-Picking, Jeannette, Yachnin, Stanley, Gorgon, Leo I., Williams, R. Michael, Lis, Leonard J. and Westerman, Maxwell P.
Williams, RM
Optimal Design of Clinical Outcome Studies in Nutrition and Cancer: Future Decisions. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 16:112S-116S, 1992. Maliakkal, Roy J., Blackburn, George L., Willcutts, Harrison D., Williams, Michael, Levin, Robert, Willcutts, H. David, Jr., and Elashoff, Robert.
Williams, RM
A New High Frequency Polymorphism in the HER-2/neu Oncogene in Normal Tissue and Breast Tumors. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 28:45-49, 1993. Briscoe, W.T., Ray, D.B., Airhart, J.L., Ratliff, A.L., Shockley, E.A., Whetsell, L., Shaefer, F.V. and Williams, R.M.
Williams, RM
Enzymes The Fountain of Life. The Neville Press, Charleston, SC, 330pp.,1994. Lopez, D.A., Williams, R. M. and Miehlke, M.
Williams, RM
Adjuvant Nutrition in Cancer Treatment. Cancer Treatment Research Foundation, 380pp, 1993 ISBN 0-9638263-0-1, 1993. Quillin, Patrick and Williams, R. Michael eds.
Williams, RM
Nutrients in Cancer Prevention and Treatment. ISBN:0-89603-318-X, 1995. Prasad, Kedar N., Santamaria, Leonida, and Williams, R. Michael eds.
Williams, RM
Arglabin-DMA, a plant derived sesquiterpene inhibits farnesyltransferase. Oncology Reports 8:173-179, 2001. Shaikenov, T.E., Adekenov, S.M., Williams, R.M., Baker, F.L., Prashad, N., Madden, T.L., and Newman, R.
Williams, RM
The prevention of pain from sickle cell disease by trandolapril. J. Nat. Med. Assoc. 99:276-278, 2007. Williams, R.M. and Moskowitz, D.W.
Williams, RM
Immunogenetic Hypothesis for Cancer Survival, J. Immunol. 2012, 188, 127.26. Williams, R. M.